Scope: Kyla's Philosophies about Kyla Phil.

1. Do you believe in infinity? Infinite love, infinite creativity, infinite anything? 

Yaow, deep.

Intangible elements to life may have infinite tendencies, yes so one could say I believe in infinite love and creativity but not infinite anything. Humans are very finite beings, and I guess that’s my struggle with people, the concern for the self and now and the lack of concern for others and the impact the now has on people, places and things yeah?

When dealing with the concept of infinity, it is a seemingly beautiful and real thing but when we remember that we are human, that concept kind of disappears. So in order to combat the anxiety caused by the knowledge of impermanence within a human context; we create things for others to remember us by or for others to resonate with and understand us by. I guess I’m talking more about what creativity is borne of but it is all inter-connected anyway, like life which is finite and Love which is infinite. Ugh I don’t want to get boring; it’s all about the love. Love is infinite, Love is everything.

2. Do you stick yourself to any role models?

Yes! My dad. He is amazing and the smartest guy I know. It’s not always easy liking your parents let alone having them as one of your role models, but the more grown up I become the more I realise my pops is a pretty dope grown up. It is very admirable how he ALWAYS puts others before himself but at the same time never compromises his creativity and belief system for nothing and no-one. He is just very cool I guess.
My other hero is Harmony Korine because he has such fucking brilliant taste, I love him, and he is a genius.

3. The top 3 films I can't live without are...

Yoh too hard. Can I give you my top 10 rather and in no particular order? Also, I feel bad about leaving some out but here goes:

1. El Topo
2. Gummo
3. My Son My Son What Have Ye Done?
4. David Cronenberg’s Crash
5. Space Jam
6. Ex-drummer
7. Park Chan Wook’s revenge series- Old Boy, Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Lady Vengeance
8. Christiane F
9. Enter the Void
10. Do The Right Thing.

4. You told me before that you make unambitious music. Where does this inspiration come from?

Nah, my friend described it as that and I just kind of liked that term. I’m inspired by bitches, money, weed and fashion. J/k. Life is a very beautiful and exquisite thing, even in the awful terrible moments and I guess my inspiration for anything in a creative context is borne out of my need to express the beauty I am surrounded by.

5. After a hectic night out, I'd kill to wake up with...

Need a joint.

6. I sometimes hate humans because...

Nope, I decided I won’t be using the H word in 2012. There is enough to go around and not enough affirmation of the love. You never see/hear people shouting out to the people who love their work. That “Shout Out to My H***rs” shit is boring man.

I love humans because there are those who give of themselves without any expectations in return, I love humans because we have so much power in choice and I particularly love those humans who make the right choices. Humans; symbiotically co-existing is what I love.

7. One day I'll make a film about...

The South African male psyche and why it is so brilliant and at the same time so fucked. In South Africa with an all South African cast and crew.


Images provided by Kyla Philander.