Scope: "Dirtbin" disturbia and indie chronicles of Charlene

1. Charlene Charls is...

Just this girl you know.

2. How would you best describe mediocrity and innovation in terms of the design world, especially in Durban?

Innovation is that moment when you realise, wow, in a world where unique does not exist, I created something that is yet to exist, a niche of a niche in a niche.

Dirtbin, I have hope for you. I blindly believe (a similar belief to that of the christians in god ) that dirtbin (Geographically known as Durban) will become the hub of creativity. we are all so creative here, to a point where it is a competition.there is no true belief in mutualism, in which we co-exist to postively benefit each other

not kiff.

3. You recently relocated to Jozi and now you're back again. Why the sudden move and "unmove" simultaneously?

I made the rushed decicson of leave my entire known space behind in a quest to be the perfect intern at the top digital agency in the country.

When i realised how willing to kill everyone was there, i quit and left that place.

4. A day in the life of Charls includes...

Common occurences in my daily life is:



5. What's your most favourite film and why?

I watch about 5 hours of media a day, no such thing as the favourite.

6. How would you describe the term "indie" and how is it relevant to the world?

indy is meaningless, which gives it meaning within itself.
the world needs it, the word acts as a protection, for the admirers and haters who say it negatively, that small group of people who are actually indy, and those who like the word and like type "lol".

i am indie.
indie fresh.
anti inndyy

7. I love to disco because...

It takes away the awkward.

Images supplied by Charlene Charles.