Scope: Fairytales and Madness with Chumile Goqwana

01) Why is insanity such an underrated issue?

Because nobody wants to admit that it exists or that their minds are
possibly not as invincible as they would like to believe. We don't
understand it and once we don't understand something we shove it in a
box at the back of the closet

02) The concept of happiness usually involves...

Sex, money... Acceptance... Success... All the things that true
happiness isn't. happiness is breeded from self love

03) Story telling. How and why is it important to you as an individual?

Because as an artist I tell lies to expose the truth. That why I write
fictional stories that give out truths about life

04) Pet peaves?

Men who hit women. Emotional abusers. Liars. Intolerance, double
standards and anger

05) The world needs more of and less of...

Less politics and more love

06) What is beauty?

Everything we see... It just depends how you see it