Over the next three months, I shall be talking to various people who live their ordinary juxtaposed lives in this extraordinary world. This section is called Scope: so please do enjoy.
Talking the world and art with Warren Lewis.
1) Wassup? You're Mr. Warren Lewis, AKA?
@LikeLewis aka WorldWarWon aka Ezinem aka Nike aka WhiteLouisBoatShoes
2) What do you think the modern art scene lacks between the Southern and the Western world?
The south lacks accessible internet - its a BIG Problem. The net for me has become as important as my paintbrushes. Without unlimited bandwidth and constant blackberry connection none of this new stuff would be possible. Its a hard one 2 explain if u haven't experienced it.
I don't know what the West lacks - But there are definitely a bunch of things missing. The difference is here you don't have to worry too much about the things that don't work. You just concentrate on the many things that do and make them work for you - that's a lot harder to do in a Village.
3) What completes your week after a hectic rumble in the jungle of work?
I don't have a job - I just Paint Daily so there's not much difference between my week and weekend - I'm honestly just trying to see my life as one long day - that way I don't get stressed about deadlines or plans or Monday mourning.
4) Has the art scene become more colloquial for wider audiences or is the majority still adhering to the contemporary ways, in your point of view?
I Don't Know What's Going On. I'm just trying 2 Keep my Head Down and Carry On Pushing Free Works 2 The Masses. It's what I've Always Done - I'm into Popular Culture And Making My Work As Accessible As Possible. We got a tight crew now called 'NoProblem' (@LikeLewis @RomPerignon @AndzzNoHandz) with a few dudes scattered over a couple countries. THERE'S NOTHING MORE INSPIRING THAN BEING IN A GANG.
5) What inspires the previous works you've done? What's the type of style you aim for?
I used to have to try a lot harder to make work that I liked - now its becoming easier. I've always been inspired by Popular Stuff - brands, ads, pop music, famous people - I'm just getting better at mashing them all together.
6) I know music plays a huge role in everyone's daily living but it also contributes largely in the arts. What are you currently jamming to lately, for pleasure and for inspiration?
Em, Hov, Yay, LilB, Pusha, Dre, Wiz, Earl, Flocka, 50, DirtyParaffin, Bieber, MMill, RRozay, FelixLaBand, Sinatra, Ocean, Beyonce, NERD...
7) Is individuality still misunderstood?
I have No Idea
Final words
When I finished School I Had 2 Choose Between Studying Art or Advertising. Understanding Advertising seemed more important. Did a bunch of things in CT until it just felt too small - Moved 2 £ondon 2009 - Currently live in Hackney. Been Having shows In Amsterdam Recently but now wanna Focus much harder on Pushing my work out for Free through the Net. #GiveAwayGang #NoProblem
More works on WorldWarWon