
Domesticate is an interactive, collaborative exhibition by two emerging artists, Tracy Huang and Zwelisha Giampietri, who are both currently completing their creative degrees at the Vega School of Brand Innovation.

You are cordially invited to experience this highly personal exploration, revealing cultural and identity issues shared by these young women.

'Domesticate' is a personal word that symbolises habitation, home and fa...mily and also referring to the taming of something. Attached to it is the idea that something should exist in a particular way - a way that is indigenous to its surroundings.

Although completely different in medium and style, Huang and Giampietri grapple with the issue of self-awareness - something they believe is a defining characteristic of today's society.

Huang's dark and expressive installation encapsulates the battle involved in transferring one's mindset from an acute sense of self to developing a sense of self-acceptance. Although highly sentimental and predominantly based on childhood memories, Giampietri's work depicts a more resolute conclusion of this transition.

With Huang, the journey starts 'outside'; a piece representing mixed feelings of displacement and alienation - these entrenched by the barriers constructed within strict cultural and traditional belief systems.

Giampietri's work continues 'inside' and closes the exhibition with a decorative representation of the hybrid culture she has constructed for herself. This is presented as a structured facade, comprising of sentimental relics of her divided heritage.

The exhibition as a whole is a turbulent journey, questioning the issues where self-awareness transitions into self-acceptance.

Domesticate runs from 14 - 21 October at at Gallery 415 .